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7 Faith Lessons from the Life of Daniel

Writer's picture: Kimmesha LussierKimmesha Lussier

Daniel Chapter 10 recounts a time when Daniel sought the Lord for understanding of a word that he’d received from the Lord. Daniel had prayed for understanding of the word through the Prophet Jeremiah and interpretations of dreams, dreamed by important people before; most of them involved crucial timeframes where his life and the lives of others were hanging in the balance – but for some reason, this time was different. Daniel prayed and fasted for many days, but still, no answer or understanding came. Finally, one day the answer arrived. An angel brought the understanding of what Daniel was inquiring about, but he also brought so much more. The angel provided some wonderful behind -the-scenes information that empowered Daniel to know God’s heart of continued approval towards him, who was truly behind trying to prevent him from getting his answers or needs met – demonic opposition, and the understanding that God was not withholding anything from him. The Godhead is the same yesterday, today, and forever – He does not change His character, which means we can learn from this behind-the-scenes example in the Word.

Lesson # 1: There are rules to faith. We don’t set them, but we must obey them. God has determined the manner of interacting with Him and transacting business in the Kingdom. Faith is heaven’s currency, and it is how we receive from Him. Hebrews 12:6 NKJV gives us this insight, “Without faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God...” (Emphasis mine)

Lesson # 2: We have a much better witness than that of angels – we have the blood of Jesus, the witness from the Holy Spirit within our reborn spirits, and the written word of God that tells us we are His beloved.

Lesson # 3: God doesn’t play favorites - The help that Daniel received from the Lord was not because Daniel was God’s “favorite”. In John 17:23, the Lord Jesus Himself discloses that the Father loves us as much as the Father loves the Son. (There’s no higher comparison than this.) Deuteronomy 10:17, Job 37:24, and Acts 10:34 tell us that God shows no partiality to anyone. So, the truth is God helped Daniel for another reason - Daniel’s faith. The Lord Jesus declares another truth throughout the gospels - that it was “their” faith that made those who wanted to receive healing well. 2 Chronicles 16:9 says that the eyes of the Lord RUN back and forth throughout the entire earth searching for someone who is wholehearted toward Him or phrased another way - who will have faith in Him so He can demonstrate His mighty power on their behalf. God is searching for your faith!

Lesson # 4: It is our job to have faith in God – The angel that was sent to Daniel didn’t bring him faith. The angel brought the answer to Daniel's prayer, but not the faith that was required to receive said answer from the Lord. There is a measure of faith that has been given to us all. However, it is up to us to grow our own faith by continually hearing and applying the word of God. (Romans 10:17)

Lesson # 5: Daniel's fast didn’t “move” God – as the Lord sent the answer the very moment Daniel released his faith toward God. (Let that sink in for a moment.) However, Daniel’s fast did keep Daniel’s flesh submitted so that he could remain in faith toward God until the answer arrived. No matter how long it took.

Lesson # 6: We must learn to receive from God - God is a good God and He willingly gives to His children. His word says, “He has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness” (2 Peter 1:3), “He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?”(Romans 8:32) “It’s His good pleasure to give the Kingdom,” (Luke 12:32) “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.” (John 3:16) We could go on and on with this testimony about the Godhead.

Blessing, love, generosity, and outpouring of mercy and grace are God’s ideas, not something that we came up with ourselves. We don’t have to cunningly convince Him that He must grudgingly give to us. What does this mean to believers? It means we need not try to twist God’s arms into granting blessing or attempt to snatch blessing from His hands but come to Him as His dear child who is boldly confident in what He has already said - and simply receive from Him all that He willingly gives.

Lesson # 7: Set your faith to endurance mode – Sometimes we have faith that lasts for a short while, but when the time that we feel it should take for the answers to our prayers to be made manifest lapses we get discouraged and allow our faith to fade and our words to turn doubtful. Our minds and emotions begin to waver and unfortunately, our faith and words follow. James 1: 6-8 NKJV says, “But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.” Daniel corralled his mind, will, emotions, and his words with fasting and placed his trust in the consistency of God’s character and nature. And, we know this is the case because Daniel did in fact receive his answer from the Lord. Amen!

So, press in. Align yourself with God’s ways instead of asking God to align with you and it will bring victory and relief to every area of your life. Give God your faith – He’s looking for it!


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