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Prophetic Update & Warning for the Church


This is a prophetic update and warning for the Body of Christ and the Church. The adversary is attempting to squeeze, or make people feel as if, the life is being squeezed out of them. He's [satan, the adversary] attempting to weary them with, by, and through the shedding of innocent blood so that the Church will no longer watch; and they will be afraid, and they will just lay down their lives. The Church must be on guard and stand their ground; watch, pray, and do Spiritual Warfare. This is an individual warning and not a collective.

I see people who are acquiescing their rights in Christ, and succumbing to the pressure to give up their natural lives; as in die, quit, and go home with the Lord early. Be aware the pressure is going to, or has, increase(d) as if suddenly and seemingly out of nowhere; to catch the people off-guard, making them feel as if they are dizzy, light headed, off-balance, and they are not going to make it. But, STAND YOUR GROUND! Wait on the Lord. He will do it.

Stand your ground! Wait on the Lord, and He will finish the Work! It is finished!

The people need to stand their ground to make it through this round; otherwise, there will be loss of life and continued bloodshed, of those who are innocent. They are going to have to understand that rest in the Lord doesn't mean do nothing. It means Trust the Lord and Obey His Command; every command, moment by moment. And, do everything He asks you to do; no matter what it is, or how hard it is.

Pregnant Woman looking at her Baby's Ultrasound Images
Pregnant Woman looking at her Baby's Ultrasound Images

I hate, says the Lord, the pain that it causes to stop a life from coming forth; to the one who losses their life (the young ones), and the devastation that it causes to the one who allows it (the abortion). It is disgusting in My sight, says the Lord!


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